Lisa’s nuno felting class to make a poncho now has a gorgeous new example! This beauty is a fantastic way to use small pieces of expensive, special or rare fabrics. Lisa included squares of fabric that she shibori dyed in one of Melissa Arnold‘s classes, and wow, is it inspiring!
Look at how beautiful that shibori is! Look at it! The depth of shibori dyeing always takes my breath away. How is it possible that a piece of flat, sheer, silk can look like it has 10 different layers? Amazing. The turquoise and purple colors are incredible together and as Lisa exclaimed, “Doesn’t it look like abalone?!”. We’re never surprised by how exceptionally pretty her things are, but we do love it when she surprises herself.
Students in this nuno felting class will learn how to make an appropriately sized poncho and we highly suggest they bring along heirloom pieces of fabric, or even lace!, to incorporate to the beautiful border.
Inspired by the pieces of hand-dyed fabric, Lisa carded herself a batt, and added more of those abalone-esque colors to the roving. There is a lot of silk in this batt, and that adds a hint of sheen which even enhances the similarity to abalone.
Good news, if you’re registered for this class and would like your own custom batt, Lisa will gladly make one and sell it to you! Interested in registering? Call us at 916-652-2134 to register, or to request a custom batt!
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