Are you curious about felting with lace? We were too! We recently received an exciting order of garment fabrics from one of our favorite distributors and included in the box were several types of lace. If you follow us on Instagram (@thetinthimble), you may have heard us mention this already. The pink and red are […]
A Mother-Daughter Day in the Classroom
Last month, Sharon taught a private lesson with her daughter Jill, and two customers, Yoko and ‘Gaga’. Gaga is Yoko’s mother and because Yoko doesn’t speak English, and Sharon doesn’t speak Japanese, ‘Gaga’ is what Sharon called her. I’m sure her real name was much lovelier, had Sharon been able to pronounce it. It was […]
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!
Hello T3 customers, fans, and readers. We hope you’re all having a wonderful holiday season. We do love Christmastime. In addition to all the holiday prep (which we enjoy), and working busy days at the store, we also get to see many veteran customers and students and that always makes us happy. We’ve stocked the […]
Creating Tree Bark with Wool – A New Textural Workshop with Sharon Mansfield
Sharon recently developed a textural workshop that we’re super excited about. In her brand new, advanced level, Tree Bark workshop, students will create a piece that is knotty, lumpy, knobby, and loaded with different textural elements. Through modified versions of the Japanese technique, shibori, hand stitching is utilized to form and sculpt a rough tree-bark […]
Protected: Botanical Dyeing by Sharon Mansfield
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Carders, Batts, and a Potential Carding Workshop
Hello everyone! As you know, we held our annual Felt Fest a few weekends ago (if you want to see pictures of the festivities, click here). We continue to hold this event year after year (this year was our sixth Felt Fest!) because it’s a whirlwind of creativity. With three, or four, workshops happening simultaneously, […]
The Coolest Handbag Workshop We’ve Ever Offered
Sure, we may be a little biased, but I’m fairly confident that Sharon’s upcoming Compound Resist Handbag workshop is the creme de la creme of purse workshops here at the Thimble. This 2-day workshop will be happening during Felt Fest, and if you’re interested in signing up, you can find more details here. This bag […]
Over the Shoulder Boulder Holder – Felted Bra by Sharon Mansfield
We’re so proud to reveal Sharon’s latest piece: a felted bra! Eight years ago Sharon was going to do the Artful Bra Show at High Hand Cafe with her sister, Carin. The show never happened, and their idea disappeared for a while. She was presented with the opportunity to do a different bra show this […]
Felt Fest Is Happening this September!
It’s that time of year, everyone! This year’s annual Felt Fest will be happening September 22nd, 23rd and 24th! I’m SO happy to share just a few of the workshops happening during this fiber-filled weekend, but to see all the classes that will be going on click here. We’ll also be adding more classes within […]
Handmade Baby Clothes
We are so, so, so excited to announce that Emma, our sister, daughter and Tin Thimble owner, is expecting a baby in August! Of course, this means we get to make things for this sweet baby and we LOVE to make baby things. Sharon whipped out a few sweet pieces to send Emma & Chris, and […]