The eagle has landed. Or maybe it’s a partridge in a pear tree. We’ve been prepping for the holiday season for months now, but somehow, the influx of consignment items still felt sudden. We’re delighted to have them here and are looking forward to even more, but right now we’re wondering how we can possibly handle how cute everything is. Every time we turn a corner, some adorable, festive creation is waiting for us. Here is a selection of our favorite handmade gifts available in the shop!
In an effort to keep us from completely losing it over these darling items, we want to show a sampling to you. These pieces make perfect gifts and decorations for the season!

Handmade clothing and toys with intricate hand-done details by Jean King (variety of colors, styles, and sizes available).
This season we are excited to offer fully customizable gift baskets!
Included in the baskets are:
- A gift certificate for the value of the class fee of the class of your choice
- All fiber and fabric (wool, silk scarf, yarns, etc.) needed for the class
- All supplies needed for the class (soap, bottle top sprayer, etc.)
- A voucher for the netting and plastic used in class
- And a basket to take it all home!
You get to pick the class and the colors! And when the basket recipient comes in for class, they can swap out their colors as well, just in case their tastes have changed since they received your gift. Perfect for the people in your life who keep saying they want to do it, but haven’t yet!
I was just in your shop with a bus group from Davis and it is beautiful. I have been at High-Hand several times and took a painting class from Unni, but always in the garden, plants, etc., this time I got into your shop and so glad I did. I hope to take a felting class in the near future. Your site is great, too. Barb Akin
We’re so happy you made it in! Thank you for visiting and for your sweet words. Merry Christmas from all of us here!